In the drawing you can see some fishermen, who fish happily. This is because they ask permission from the jichi before fishing, who is respected in the community.
The ancients used to say that you could only catch enough fish for your family so as not to waste it. If you caught too many fish, you had to put them back into the river so that the jichi would give you enough fish the next time.
The jichi of the water is the guardian of that water space, and what he asks of the people who come to fetch water or fish is respect and care for nature, because otherwise he could not survive.
There are different ways of fishing inherited from the ancestors, and there are still people who have the gift of the ""master of the water"", i.e. that of being able to fish in abundance, whenever they ask for it.
This gift can be passed down from generation to generation or given directly to the fisherman.